
Directions to Our Ferry Dock

Our dock is adjacent to The Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park in South Boston, behind the Boston Harbor Police station.


Directions to Our Mainland Office

Our mainland office is located at 21 Drydock Avenue on the third floor of The Design and Innovation Building. When you enter the building, take the elevators immediately to your left to the third floor. Enter the double glass doors to your left (you will see the TRIA architectural firm directly in front of you). Our office is on the left.

Parking for the Ferry

Public (paid) parking is available in the garage at 12 Drydock Avenue. Exit the garage at Drydock Avenue (if you’re facing the Harpoon Brewery, you exited on the wrong side). Turn right on Drydock Avenue and walk one block, passing Dunkin' Donuts on your right. The ferry dock is 100 yards ahead, just beyond the Boston Police Harbor station. 


Parking for the Mainland Office

The Innovation and Design Building maintains an automated visitor parking lot at 1 Design Center Place. Payment for parking is by credit only and is collected at the lot exit gate. Hourly rates apply from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Short term 90-minute visitor parking is available in designated spaces directly in front of the building.

Public Access

For information on unescorted access to Cathleen Stone Island, please visit our public access page.

Detailed information on Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound's Conservation Restriction (CR) can be found on the National Parks Service website

Three types of public access to Cathleen Stone Island are defined by the CR:

1) “Unescorted Public Access” (UPA): Members of the public can have access to the Conservation Area, shoreline, and beaches for low-impact, non-motorized, non-commercial outdoor recreational use as defined in the Access Plan under the following conditions:

–They have UPA Reservations (reservation on a specific day on which UPA is authorized).

–They enter the premises from a scheduled UPA Ferry (boat authorized by Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound to drop off and pick up UPA visitors).

–They receive orientation from Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound staff upon arrival and acknowledge agreement to follow applicable rules and practices.

2) “Beach Access”: Access by members of the public from individually owned private boats to, and only to, the beaches at the perimeter to the premises (no access to uplands).
3) Escorted Public Access: organized groups of members of the public that are actively supervised during their stay on the Island as approved by Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound. Click here to submit a visit request.

Rules of Conduct

–The following items and activities are strictly prohibited: Alcohol (unless part of an Island event that holds a liquor permit); Bicycle; Campfires; Disturbing or feeding wildlife; Dogs (except service dogs); Fireworks; Firearms and all other weapons; Littering. Boat captains may deny passage to any individual in violation of Island rules.

–Avoid cliffs and bluffs; they may be crumbly or undercut.

–In case of an emergency, find a Thompson Island Outward Bound employee; if it is a life-threatening emergency, immediately call 911.