Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning: Four Stages to Enhance the Development of Connectors

Our Outward Bound Professionals program invites companies from Boston and beyond to learn through experience in our unique island setting.

Recall a time when you felt a profound connection to something you learned. It wasn't just a piece of information you memorized and forgot, but a lesson you internalized and has since shaped your life. Chances are, you were actively involved in the learning process. Perhaps you learned how to lead by taking charge of a group project or how to navigate a kayak in a lake or from one island to another.

Embracing experiential learning is a transformative journey that is crucial to our personal and professional growth. It empowers us to turn past challenges into opportunities for growth, resilience, and adaptation to change. This powerful tool not only inspires but also motivates us to reach new heights in our personal and professional lives.

Experiential learning is based on the belief that people learn best when actively involved in the learning process.

This active participation enables learners to connect with the subject matter and link their inner selves with the world around them. Instead of just receiving information, learners participate in activities that compel them to apply concepts, solve problems, and reflect on their experiences.

The experiential learning cycle consists of four stages:

1. Concrete Experience: Learners participate in an activity or experience.

2. Reflective Observation: Learners reflect on the experience, considering what happened and why.

3. Abstract Conceptualization: Learners develop theories or concepts based on their reflections.

4. Active Experimentation: Learners apply their new knowledge to different situations, testing and refining their ideas.

Many of the most crucial lessons I've learned as a leader have come from my experiences. Experiential learning has fostered a culture of continuous learning and adaptation and played a significant role in shaping my leadership style. Reflective observation has given me insight into past events and their causes.  Abstract conceptualization has empowered me to think about what can be done differently next time to change the outcome or what needs to be repeated to maintain success. Active experimentation has given me the confidence to apply what I have learned to new situations, helping organizations advance their missions.

Experiential learning offers a multitude of benefits, particularly in the development of practical skills. Research indicates that learning through experience enhances retention and understanding of the issues, improves critical thinking and problem-solving, and increases motivation and engagement. At Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School, experiential learning is the core of what we do, and we are committed to sharing these benefits with our community.

Our Outward Bound Professionals program, a unique initiative designed to enhance leadership skills through experiential learning, provides a space where teams are inspired and engaged through active learning. They gain valuable leadership skills through hands-on experience, work together to overcome challenges and develop enhanced communication and problem-solving skills. Companies from Boston and beyond bring their teams to the island to create higher-performing teams, learn new skills for addressing and managing change, increase leadership awareness and capacity, enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and integrate academic learning into practical application.  This experience creates positive, lasting change.

I harness the power of experiential learning to actively engage with concepts, ideas, and experiences that elevate my leadership abilities. I have consistently put these principles into practice throughout my professional journey, and they have proven invaluable. I am grateful for the chance to lead an organization that embraces this type of learning and offers meaningful opportunities. This awareness enhances our ability to be impactful and joyful connectors.

An example of the power of Experiential Learning through our OBP program can be seen in this YouTube video: