Beneficiary Designations

Naming Us in Your Assets

Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their will or estate plan. Some people prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides. 

It is very simple to name Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School as a beneficiary. Start by requesting a change-of-beneficiary form from your policy administrator or download the form from your provider's website. Make your desired changes and return the form to establish your gift.

Retirement Plan

You can name Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or another retirement plan while reserving more favorably taxed assets for your heirs.

Life Insurance

By naming Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School as a beneficiary, you can turn a life insurance policy into a significant contribution. Estate tax benefits may apply.

Donor-Advised Fund 

If you have a donor-advised fund, you may be able to name Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School as a beneficiary to receive a percentage of the remaining fund balance after your lifetime.



Michelle Rhodes; Retirement Assets Gift

"Learning is through doing: Thompson Island’s approach to experiential education for empowering Boston's youth is a mission that I believe in. By learning about the advantages of using tax deferred accounts to make gifts to nonprofits, I have named Thompson Island as a percentage beneficiary of my IRA. A simple, online, update to my IRA’s beneficiary designation allows for a future gift to Thompson Island that can pass directly to their mission, tax-free. Planned giving is a philanthropic legacy that my husband and I are passionate about and hope that one day our children are too."

Michelle first connected with the Island in her early twenties as part of a young professionals initiative. She soon took on a leadership role in the emerging ISLE Society which continues to introduce young people to the mission. Michelle’s own passion for the work now includes membership of the Board of Advisors!


Steve Mead; Donor Advised Fund

"I believe Thompson Island has an important role to play now and in the future for the youth of Boston. To perpetuate my support, I wanted the Schwab Charitable Gift Account I have built to be part of my estate and planned giving. Schwab makes this easy and I have specified that upon my death my charitable account will be liquidated and distributed to designated recipients including Thompson Island."  

Steve’s association with Thompson Island and commitment to its mission, had its genesis in early childhood when he was fortunate to have Peter Willauer as a sailing instructor.  Throughout Steve’s career in Investment Management, he has supported youth development and education and 20 years ago he established a Charitable Gift Account to facilitate his growing financial giving. This account has been the recipient of several successful investments, which he refers to as unearned gifts!

Next Steps

1. Talk to us

We would welcome a conversation with you about how you can benefit Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School as well as your heirs. 

Please contact Laura LeTourneau at 617.830.5132 or [email protected]

2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor

3. Use our legal name

If you include Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School  in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Legal name: Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School, Inc.
Address: Box 127, Boston, MA 02127
Federal tax ID number: 04-3027900

4. Keep us informed!

If you have already namedCathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School in your will or trust, please let us know so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. We would also like to welcome you to the Kurt Hahn Society, recognizing planned legacy gifts. Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any desire to remain anonymous.

Please contact Laura LeTourneau at 617.830.5132 or [email protected]

Thank you!

Please note that Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound School cannot provide legal, tax, or financial advice. We recommend you contact your attorneys or other professional advisors when considering changes to your estate plan.